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  • Alumni

Protection of Minors

Protection of Minors

Macris School staff, personnel, and representatives are committed to being vigilant through its policies and procedures to preserving students’ mental, emotional, and physical health and safety to ensure their integral development by protecting them from threats, risks, violence, and harm committed by themselves or third persons and taking appropriate action upon validated reports of the aforementioned.

Visitor Agreement

All visitors should review the following information and agree to these terms when they sign in on campus:

  • All visitors/volunteers must sign in at the Main Reception.
  • All visitors/volunteers will be issued with an appropriate pass which must be displayed at all times while on site and return the pass upon exiting the school.
  • Visitors/volunteers will be asked to remain under the supervision of a designated member of staff while at school.
  • If there is a fire alarm or serious incident alarm, visitors/volunteers should follow the directions of the teacher in charge or leave the building via the nearest exit. They must not return to the building on any account unless directed.
  • Visitors/volunteers must not take any photography of our students without first requesting permission from an authority.
  • Visitors/volunteers should not be left alone with any minors at any time unless this person has completed an approved child safeguarding course.
  • Visitors/volunteers should understand the need to maintain the confidentiality of pupils and should not share information about pupils or staff in any way – including social media.
  • If a visitor/volunteer has safeguarding concerns relating to the physical, social or emotional safety of a minor they should immediately share these with the class teacher or a member of the administration. You could ask the school office to contact one of these members of staff.
  • If a child discloses information relating to their physical, emotional or social wellbeing, please report immediately to the class teacher or a member of the administration. Please do not question minors – this is a specialized role and could compromise court proceedings at a later date.



Child Safety Reports

Please use this form if you have been a victim of bullying or know of someone has or is being bullied. All school employees are required to report alleged violations. Reports can be made anonymously.  Every reported act of bullying or harassment will be investigated and parents will be informed of the outcome.

Extracurricular Activities Incident Reports

Please use this form if you are a contracted coach and need to report an incident.